Well we’ve made it to the end of another week on the new low carb diet, with only a couple of wobbles along the way. I blame Emma Hague for having a birthday this weekend!!
The healthy meals continued this week with a couple of currys and substituting the rice for cauliflower rice. We also had mince with spiralised courgettes masquerading as pasta, apparently it’s called courgettie!
Now drumroll please, how much have I lost this week????
Erm…………….… nothing!!
I think I may have misweighed myself last week, as I’m still 106.3kg, that’s 16.7 stone. Before I started this diet I was 110kg 17.3 stone. I’d plateaued at that weight for a while so I’m pleased that I’ve managed to lose 4kg in two weeks and keep it off, but would have been nice to lose more this week.
I was convinced I’d lost more this week, as I was starting to look thinner and feeling good about myself. I was getting compliments from others that I’d lost weight (without prompting), which is always a sign that things are improving.
Anyway I’m sure they’ll be a few more wobbles this weekend seeing as it’s Sis’s birthday, but hey I deserve a treat once in a while.