On 16th March 2023 at 5:30am, at the age of 79, my Father, Raymond “John” Powell sadly passed away. In recent years his MS had severely restricted his quality of life, to the point that in the end he was reliant on everyone doing everything for him.
When he passed we were all there in the house as we knew his time was coming to an end. He is now at peace with his Lord Jesus Christ, and reunited with his sister Cath and brother in law Phil, along with his parents Hilda and Ray.
The funeral service at the crematorium will take place at 12 noon on Friday 21st April 2023 at Guildford Crematorium, followed by a memorial service at 2:00pm at Farnham Baptist Church. For those of you who wish to attend the crematorium service and memorial service the details are available via the link below:
View the services Online
For those of you who are unable to attend the service in person but wish to participate remotely, then please use the following link:
In order to view the crematorium service you will need the following username and passcode:
Username: noga4685
Password: 932904
The live feed will commence 5 minutes before the service is due to start at 12 noon.
There will also be a live feed from Farnham Baptist Church from 2:00pm. To view this, please follow the link below: (please note the Live stream link below will show service at 10:00am this is referencing their normal Sunday Service, the service will begin at 2:00pm)
The order of service for those of you not able to attend in person is available by clicking on the link below, or viewing below:
We do hope that you can attend in person rather than online, as it would be great to celebrate his life with you in person.
For those of you who may not be at the service, I have produced the following video memory of our dear dad.
May you Rest In Peace now Dad. It’s not goodbye only au revoir…..