Day 7 – low carb diet

Well a week has passed on this new diet, and have we noticed a difference?………..

  1. I’ve noticed that I have been low on energy. After cycling to work three times last week with no real carbs consumed, I must say that in the final journey home I was spent. I had no energy left by the time I got home.
  2. I drink more water. Now I cannot have anything sweet or bad for you, I’m now restricted to two types of drink, water and skimmed milk, which is kind of water.
  3. I have cravings for things I shouldn’t eat. I could have murdered a Wispa at the end of the week, but I resisted.
  4. Claire has been spending more time in the kitchen cooking the next meal, all from scratch. If it wasn’t for Jelly this diet wouldn’t be working.
  5. And the most important thing ………..I’ve lost 4kg this week!!! That’s just over half a stone, so it must be working.

Okay we are now bored shitless of fish chicken and salads, but if it helps us shift our weight, then I’m sticking to it. 

hmmmm, sausage and egg!!


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